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2015-07-05  New MusAic web site

To follow the developments with new versions of MusAic for Android phones and iPhones, MusAicMkII, the MusAic web site has been expanded with an entirely new section for these versions.
The old part, covering versions för Nokia J2ME phones is still there, of course, and is reachable from the first landing page.

2015-07-05  MusAicMkII on Google Play

Finally, after years of work, the C++ based version of MusAic, MusAicMkII is ready to be released for Android phones!
MusAicMkII builds on the 2:nd generation of Autophonics music generation API, the Autophonics MidiEngine, bringing even better AI-based music creation into the hands of Android phone owners all over the world.
The new version also features lots of new functionality, improved work flow and a custom Sound Engine.

Check out the Freemium version MusAicMkII Std on Google Play!

iPhone/iPad version coming soon.

Click the links on top of the page to learn more.
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